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Biopromis Chromium propionate

Biopromis Chromium propionate – bioavailable chromium source (chromium content 0.4%) to compensate the deficiency of chromium in animal diet, which has a high degree of digestibility in polygastric animals. 

Chromium is mainly found in tissues in the form of organometallic molecules consisting of trivalent chromium, nicotinic acid, glutamic acid, glycine and cysteine, known as glucose tolerance factor. Without trivalent chromium, the glucose tolerance factor is inactive. 

Chromium addition reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, activate its active processing into energy and thereby cause a feeling of hunger in animals. 

Inorganic forms of chromium (CrCl3, Cr2O3) are practically not assimilated (usually Cr2O3 is used as a marker in the study of digestibility of feed). The formation of complexes of Cr3 + with organic compounds significantly increases the absorption of chromium. Chromium picolinate is considered the most accessible source of chromium for animals. 

How does it work?

• Chromium activates insulin receptors, making it possible for glucose to enter the cells and use it to support life and production.
• Chromium reduces the concentration of cortisol in the blood, reducing the sensitivity of animals to stress factors.
• Chromium normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body, activates energy production and reduces the level of NEFA in the blood.
• High bioavailability of organic forms of chromium allows to achieve the most complete assimilation of it by animals.

What is the effect?

Swine Poultry Cattle
It activates insulin receptors, making it possible for glucose to enter the cells and use it to support life and production.
Increases the rate of protein production and reduces the rate of fat deposition
Increased lean meat yield
Increases bacon-pig production
Increases sows milkabillity and stimulates sexual function through the influence of insulin on lipocaine
Normalization of intestinal digestion
It activates insulin receptors, making it possible for glucose to enter the cells and use it to support life and production.
Prevents energy deficit for rearing flocks.
Increases growth
Product quality improvement
Normalization of intestinal digestion
It activates insulin receptors, making it possible for glucose to enter the cells and use it to support life and production.
Increases feed intake through active glucose processing.
Increase milk production
Heat Stress Reduction
Normalization of intestinal digestion

Recommended dosage:

Swine 50-100 g/MT of feed
Poultry 50-100 g/ MT of feed
Calves 75-150 g/ MT of feed
Dairy cows 100-150 g/ MT of feed
Sheep, goats 75 g/ MT of feed
Aquaculture 100-150 g/MT of feed

Package: 25 kg bag.

Shelf life: 24 mounts if stored in a dark, dry, cool, well-ventilated place, at a temperature of -25 °C to 30 °C.

Manufacturer: Sichuan Sinyiml Biotechnology Co., Ltd., China.

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